Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Principles For A Sustainable Tea Network

To create a sustainable network that will transform tea into a "hero" crop, the sector needs to work collaboratively to apply the five (5) principles;

a) Empower Producers : Improve their skills so that they can create their livelihood and take more ownership of the chain

b) Restorative : Produced using sustainable methods so that the production and processing does not degrade the soils, biodiversity and water. A hero crop should replenishing soils, increasing biodiversity and minimise the use of water, energy, fertilizers and pesticides going beyond the field where tea is grown to examine its impacts on the wider community and environment.

c) Resilient value chain : able to collectively manage its risks, particularly from climate change.

d) Sustainable Market Mechanisms : Provide wider sustainability outcomes than just financial ones. How risk is managed and liquidity and the investment in the sector.

e) Connected With Consumers : Consumers know where and how their tea is produced

The future of Tea : A Hero Crop for 2030 / Forum for the Future.


Monday, May 12, 2014



We don't eat it. We certainly don't need it to survive. So why is tea so important?

Well, its hugely popular with consumers. According to figures from the International Tea Committee, the global consumption of tea jump 60% between 1993 and 2010 and significant growth is forecast as more people become consumers of tea. It also has an acinet heritage, dating back 5000 years, revealing a rich cultural history.

Today, it is the economic and social importance of tea production that is so significant. Currently grown in 35 countries, the tea industry provides a vital source of employment and export earning, often in some of the world's poorest countries.

 And a vast chain or network of people have a relationship with tea - not just the consumers, but the growers, pickers, suppliers, traders and sellers - impacting the lives and well being of millions of people across the world

However, the future of this much-loved beverage is uncertain. The tea industry faces unprecedented challenges; a shift in consumer demand and habit, a changing climate, resource constraints and mechanization of farming are converging to put pressure on an industry which recognizes it needs to act if it is to create a sustainable future.

An extract from:
Executive summary : The Future of Tea : A Hero Crop for 2030 / Forum For The Future. 

Time Management ..........


Time escapes minute by minute and hour by hour. Nothing you do will stop or rewind a clock or
calendar. You all have the same amount of time, 1,440 minutes per day. There are no short-cuts to
managing yourself more effectively. The key is to invest your time in the most productive way, not only for the sake of your organization but for your own peace of mind. Here are some quick tips to help you prioritize tasks so that you can work more efficiently.


> Record All Activities: Write down all your multiple demands, competing priorities, tasks,
and activities for the day or week

> Determine Primary Goals: List your primary goals for the day or the week

> Consider 80/20 Rule: Determine which 20% of activities will yield 80% the results,
Bringing you nearer to your goals

> Evaluate Important vs. Urgent: Decide which of these activities are the most important
versus the most urgent. At this stage, take into account how certain items affect others and
the consequences for not accomplishing certain tasks (for example, someone might need
something from you in order to do their job)

> Rank: Use a ranking system to begin planning. For example:
• “A” tasks have high priority and must be completed immediately
• “ B” tasks are moderately important but can be done after the “A” tasks
• “C” tasks are of low-level importance and can be tackled in our spare time

> Create a Schedule: Indicate deadlines for each task and estimate the time involved
to complete the task. Create a schedule, keeping in mind any tasks that may be linked
together to increase productivity. For example, can you couple something of lesser priority
with something of greater importance?

> Revisit Goals and Adjust: Review your goal(s) and the rewards of doing the task on time,
and make any necessary adjustments.

> Purge: Get rid of items on your list that remain at the bottom and will realistically not get

Copyright © 2011 Dale Carnegie & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.

Memoir - AkhirNya ke Lana (Bhg 61)

Fuyooo...lama betul tak update blog nie...masa memang tak pernah cukup. Tapi ini adalah satu janji yang mesti di tunaikan.

Sebelum tu kita jenguk dulu ungkapan indah tentang Time Management.

The reality of today’s world is that we have to do more, better, faster, and with less. Time, quality, and cost are in constant tension, especially during hard economic times and the speed in which the world is changing. Often times, one or two of these factors takes priority and plays a prominent role in our planning, setting priorities, decision-making, and other time management issues.

“Time is the scarcest resource of managers.
If it is not managed, nothing else can be managed.”

Sebelum melalut, jom kita ke bahagian 61......

Tujuan sekarang ialah ke Ibu Pejabat PORIM (Palm Oil Research Institute of Malaysia) di Bandar Baru Bangi. Perjalanan dah dirancang dengan molek...bangun pagi2, ambik bas ke Kajang. Dari situ ambik teksi ke PORIM.
Kita hanya mampu merancang, Tuhan jugak menentukan. Interview tu pada jam 9.00 pagi...aku sampai jam 9.45 pagi. Terlewat beb!!!!

Lepas tu nak cari tempat interview...tanya sama itu Pak Guard...(kalu M. Nasir dia boleh lah tanya sama Hud-Hud). Pak Guard tu pun petua arah mana tempat interview tu...satu dewan...mungkin dewan serba guna yang lengkap dengan bilik persidangan atau pun meeting.

Menghala ke bangunan tu, terserempak dengan satu perempuan muda. Staff itu mungkin. Dah aku pun masih bujang, not in any kind of relationship, maka dengan yakin bertanya lah pada staff tu.

" tak apa, ikut saya jer" kata nya. Aku ikut lah...naik tangga sampai ke satu ruang..dah nampak beberapa bakal-bakal calun temuduga. Masing-masing macam nervous, sibuk dok isi borang.

" Cik tunggu sini...nanti saya bagi borang" kata cik adik tadi. "ok".

Aku nie mula lah nak beramah mesra...tanyakat calun lain tu.. "Dah start?". "Belum"...macam serentak pulak dia orang jawab. Nasib, aku lewat tapi interview ni pun lewat jugak.

Lepas tu, borang-borang tu di ambil dan kami di suruh tunggu sehingga nama di panggil. Tunggu jer lah.

Lepas sorang-sorang nama di panggil. Kalu ikut giliran asal, aku patut nya jam 9.45 pagi...dah interview start lambat, aku di panggil jam 10.45 pagi.

Dengan langkah bergaya, confident ( aku calun yang paling senior....dari segi umur), berjalan ke arah bilik interview...mengetuk pintu dan memberi salam.

Apabila masuk sepenuh nya, mata aku tertumpu ke satu arah...alamak!!!

bersambung ke bhg 62.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Sebelum sembang panjang, tengok gambar-gambar nie dulu.